Experience Expansion

What is the Expansion Principle?

It’s an energetic journey that helps you shift out of constriction and stuckness into expansion, growth & opportunity.

The energy guides & presents what’s most important, & as a channel, I receive & translate images, sensations or pictures as best I can, without judgment, bias or projection.

All that’s required of you is to listen, be open & receptive, consent to receive the energetic work. To benefit the most, I recommend that you put additional work into paying attention to log & track any shifts that occur, in whatever way makes sense to you.

Sometimes patterns hang in your energy, & by shifting feelings, we can assist in shifting patterns, which can begin to shift everything else. ✨

I recommend keeping a journal to track things that repeat like patterns & synchronicities, as well as all new emotions, experiences & shifts that occur. I also highly recommend tracking your dreams, both the night & day kind that may surface during this work.

Why The Expansion Principle?

life leaves karmic seeds, which may become emotions in-body, or patterns in-actions.

Expansion Principle (EP) is a way of seeing energy that allows you to witness experiences, not at their core, or their root, but at their seed. Just by creating space, you create an opening, an opportunity for shifts to occur.

Channeled by Dr. Alexis Edwards, EP is similar to Reiki if you need something to relate it to, but it’s also totally different & its own unique thing.

To get a taste of Expansion Principle (EP), I recommend joining The Threshold, which is a great way to introduce yourself to the meditative, transcendent journey of EP that traverses your energetic landscape using the power of language...

Your body’s whole job is to keep you safe—so if you've had experiences in life that taught you to not trust yourself, you may also struggle with reprogramming your energy after times of chaos & disharmony.

By using specific statements, EP walks you through those things which currently hold your energy, and then begins gentle work of breaking down of conditions that hold you back, & helping you accept that healing is safe.

Experience growth & a newer version of yourself-

enter The Threshold to initiate expansion