3 ways to shift stuck energy


Feeling sTuck?

learn 3 ways to shift your energy & get unstuck

If you’re eager for change, but also feeling kind of stuck, here are three ways to shift your energy & gain momentum.

2020 knocked the wind out of me, & admittedly I felt like I made more steps backward than forward.

But it’s okay, it wasn’t an easy year. I’m gifting myself compassion, & feel solace knowing I’m not alone in my miserly misery. 🙃

However, if you’re ready to shake things up & leverage the momentum that comes with Aries season, read on to learn about 3 ways to shift your energy & get unstuck, starting first with…

(1) clean up some things. Whether it’s your desk, throwing away trash, or putting away art & book piles, making small changes in your space helps shift the energy in your life.

For example, I folded my laundry yesterday for the first time in ~ 1 year. (Pandemic life, am I right?) Today, although I still haven’t gotten dressed, & I’m wearing the same sweats since early 2020, at least I’m closer to getting dressed, trying to look beautiful again, & showing up for myself. Baby steps! 🙏

Trying new things is a one-way ticket to refreshing any stale energy.
— Kelli Tompkins

(2) rearrange your furniture, schedule, or otherwise try something new & out of the ordinary. Be spontaneous- but safely, bc we’re still in a pandemic. Trying new things is a one-way ticket to refreshing any stale energy. Give yourself a boost & do something you’ve always wanted to, but haven’t yet. What’s on your list? If you don’t have a list, there’s a good place to start: make one.

(3) check your human design chart to make sure you’re working in alignment with your strategy & authority, so you’ll be ready to receive the exciting opportunities that will present themselves to you after deconditioning your open centers & nurturing yourself in your downtime.

If you have goals or anything you’re looking to accomplish, you can use feng shui to anchor that new-new energy in.

Plus, leveraging aspects of your human design chart allows you to make space at home where you feel in flow & at ease.

For me this week, my oracle cards are all put away when they’re usually all over the place. My laundry is clean & folded, & I’m still trying to figure out what I want to focus on & what I enjoy, which involves a lot of day-dreaming, imagination, & creative visualization.

In the mean time, I keep things slow & stay in communion with whatever I need to grow into my own vision of success.

So if you’re feeling stuck, take the chance to tune in with yourself, your space, & ask yourself what you need to feel at ease.

Clean up— just a little— to clear your energy, & then shift things around your space if you want to try something different.

& if you’d like to self-reflect, ask yourself questions like:

  • What story does your space tell you about yourself?

  • Where does your energy concentrate?

    • What do you focus on?

    • What do you neglect?
